Cobble Hill Winery

Cobble Hill Winery

The Damali vineyard was originally planted in 2006 with castel grapes, a North American French hybrid suited to our coastal climate and terrain. They have since added other varietals for blending ‘Maillette’, their estate grown red wine. Large rhubarb planting and raspberries were added so that a variety of fruit wines could be developed. After converting the original barn into a winery, their first wines were released in the spring of 2011.
Today, all Damali wines are made with fruit grown within the Cowichan region and their signature wines are fruit and lavender blends. These wines are truly delicious and are proving to be very popular. Damali also grows blackberries, raspberries, rhubarb and black currants for the purpose of wine making.
A working farm, Damali has been proud to host dozens of ‘wwoofers’ and traveling volunteers from abroad. These Landon Sveinson Photos 031interesting people from all walks of life have shared with us their cultures and their expertise while helping with various tasks on the farm.
In 2007 our retail lavender gift shop and woodworking shop was opened to the public, More recently our Wine Tasting Room was opened. Preserving their character and charm, Damali re-purposed the original barn to serve as our winery.
With considerable hard work and tender loving care, the ‘beautiful vision’ that is Damali has literally blossomed. The once tired sheep farm has been transformed into a wholesome hive of activity nurturing fields of lavender, fruitful orchards, a vineyard, winery, tasting room, licensed picnic area and our popular Lavender Gift Shop.
The hosts welcome you to visit their little piece of paradise.
‘Indulge your Senses ~ Savour the Lifestyle’.