How BC’s Rieslings Resonate

While people may associate British Columbia’s generous warmth and sunshine with red wines, it’s clear that white wines, of all grapes and styles, excel here. From crisp, marine-influenced light wines, to cool-climate and nervy...

Bring your appetite and your corkscrew!

Wine country is more than just a sip of Semillon or Syrah. It is a way of life, a celebration of all the pleasures of the table, of lively conversation, generous hospitality and fine...

Award-winning BC wineries that will change your life, or at least your next vacation

The Best of BC Wine Country annual awards are basically the people’s choice awards of wine. Every year, tourists and locals vote on their top wineries around BC, making this a true consumer-based award,...

Dazzling and delicious makes BC Wine Country unique

I'm heading to the U.K. next month and (shh!) my suitcase will be clanking with well-wrapped B.C. wine. One taste for my friends back home and I know they'll be hooked; especially when I...