Click here for the meeting Conduct Protocol.

Click here for the meeting Agenda.

Click here for Notice of the Meeting.

Click here for the Special Resolution Amendment Proposal.

Click here for the WGBC “proprietor list” for the current voting representative (updated as of July 11, 2024).

Click here for the WGBC Change of Authorized Representative form should you wish to change your authorized voter.

Proxy Protocol – please note that proxy forms submitted after the deadline of July 10, 2024 at 2:00 PM will not be accepted.

Important: As per WGBC Bylaw 2.9, you must be a member in good standing (i.e. no current WGBC membership fee, subscription or debt due) in order to vote at the EGM. If you are unsure if you have any outstanding payments, contact Gail St. Croix at

Extraordinary General Meeting

Friday, July 12th at 2:00 PM Coast Capri Hotel – Horizon Room (1st floor), Kelowna, BC

Insert name of winery or names of Affiliate Wineries. “Affiliate Wineries” means one or more members that are owned or operated by the same owner or by owners where 50% or more of the ownership (including shareholders of a winery owned by a corporation) is owned by a common individual or group.
Authorized Representative(Required)
Insert name of person authorized to represent the winery and vote (full members only) at the meeting or authorized to sign and deliver a proxy on behalf of the winery. Please refer to the “proprietors list” linked above to confirm the current voting representative.
Email of Representative(Required)
Please confirm that you are authorized to vote on behalf of the Wine Growers BC full member indicated above(Required)
Please confirm that you are a Member in Good Standing as per WGBC Bylaw Section 4.15.(Required)
As the authorized representative how do you intend to participate in the meeting?(Required)
Note, proxy forms will be provided in the meeting package distributed by June 28.
If you are not the current authorized voter, please upload the completed WGBC Change of Authorized Representative form. If you are having issues uploading please email to Kelly Josephson at
Max. file size: 10 MB.