Considering the July 25, 2024, BC provincial government announcement granting temporary relief for BC wineries to incorporate out-of-province grapes for the 2024 vintage, Wine Growers British Columbia (WGBC) has developed a strategic Communications and PR Plan to support the wine industry through this transitional period.
This plan aims to provide consistent, clear, and concise messaging that aligns with the recommendations of the Vintage 2024 Relief and Support Replacement Wine Task Group. By addressing the unique challenges of the 2024 vintage and introducing the “Crafted in BC” positioning, the plan equips industry with the tools to uphold consumer confidence, preserve the integrity of BC’s wine industry, and ensure transparency as the region navigates this temporary adjustment.
BC VQA wines are the cornerstone of the BC wine industry, guaranteeing 100% BC-grown grapes and representing the highest standard of quality and authenticity. All marketing and promotional efforts from Wine Growers BC proudly highlight BC VQA wines, ensuring consumers can trust this seal of excellence.
Crafted in BC is a temporary positioning created to support BC wineries during the challenges of the 2024 vintage, a year marked by severe crop losses due to extreme weather. This positioning allows wineries to transparently communicate the inclusion of out-of-province grapes in some wines, while still maintaining their commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and the long-term sustainability of the BC wine industry.
Importantly, Crafted in BC is not a designation or certification, but a messaging approach that highlights the industry’s resilience and adaptability during this transitional period.
The umbrella term ‘Crafted in BC’ has been introduced to be used not on labels, but on wine lists or in retail stores to differentiate a section from 100% BC wine, yet still showcase that the wines have been crafted by familiar faces and skillful hands at our BC wineries.
While wineries using this approach uphold high standards of integrity, BC VQA remains the guarantee of wines made from 100% BC-grown grapes.
Wine Growers BC does not package, sell, or shelve any wines, including BC VQA wines or those positioned as Crafted in BC. Instead, Wine Growers BC works to ensure transparent and consistent communication to build consumer trust and support the industry. The ultimate goal is to fully return to 100% BC wine production, reinforcing the industry’s dedication to authenticity and excellence.
To ensure consistent, clear, and concise messaging that aligns with the Vintage 2024 Relief and Support Crafted in BC Wines Communications & PR Plan, Wine Growers British Columbia has published the following articles:
The State of BC Wine, Quarterly Pour Spring Issue >
How BC Wine Country Is Preparing for a Strong Comeback, Taste & Terroir >
As part of the Vintage 2024 Relief and Support Crafted in BC Wines Communications and PR Plan, Wine Growers British Columbia is pleased to share one-page guides which include key messaging and positioning tailored to stakeholders who are primarily responsible for upholding consumer confidence in BC wine through transparent and unified communication: BC wineries, Liquor Retailers, Wine Trade, Media, and Government.
1-250-762-9744 ext. 103
Laura Kittmer, Communications Director
Wine Growers British Columbia
About the Initiative
What is “Crafted in BC,” and why was it introduced?
“Crafted in BC” is a temporary initiative designed to support BC wineries during the 2024 vintage. Due to severe weather conditions causing significant crop losses, the inclusion of out-of-province grapes is permitted. This initiative emphasizes resilience, craftsmanship, and a commitment to quality.
Is “Crafted in BC” a certification or designation?
No, “Crafted in BC” is not a certification or designation. It is a messaging approach to transparently communicate the temporary use of out-of-province grapes.
How does “Crafted in BC” differ from BC VQA?
BC VQA guarantees wines made from 100% BC-grown grapes, representing the highest standard of quality and authenticity. “Crafted in BC” positioned wines, while not meeting the 100% BC-grown grape criteria, are still crafted with the same care and dedication by BC wineries.
How long will the “Crafted in BC” positioning be in place?
“Crafted in BC” is a temporary measure to address the unique challenges of the 2024 vintage, with a phased return to 100% BC wine production planned.
Why were out-of-province grapes allowed for the 2024 vintage?
Severe freeze events in 2022 and 2024 devastated BC grape harvests. Allowing the use of out-of-province grapes ensures wineries can continue operations, protect jobs, and maintain the industry’s economic sustainability.
Does using out-of-province grapes compromise the quality of BC wine?
No, the same skilled winemakers who craft BC VQA wines produce “Crafted in BC” wines, ensuring the highest standards of quality and care are maintained.
Will wines positioned as “Crafted in BC” meet the same quality standards as BC VQA wines?
Yes, while the grapes may not be 100% BC-grown, the wines are made with the same dedication and expertise that define BC’s wine industry.
How does this initiative support BC’s wine industry?
The “Crafted in BC” position provides a vital lifeline for wineries to continue producing and selling wine, supporting jobs, sustaining economic contributions, and preserving the vibrancy of BC’s wine culture.
For Consumers
How can I identify wines positioned under “Crafted in BC”?
“Crafted in BC” will not appear on wine labels but may be used on wine lists, retail sections, or other materials to differentiate these wines from BC VQA wines.
Will “Crafted in BC” appear on wine labels?
No, the “Crafted in BC” positioning is not a label or certification; it is a communication approach used in specific contexts, such as retail and restaurant settings.
Are “Crafted in BC” wines still made in BC?
Yes, all “Crafted in BC” wines are produced by BC wineries, reflecting their skill and craftsmanship, even if some grapes are sourced from outside the province.
How can I trust the quality and authenticity of “Crafted in BC” wines?
Wine Growers BC ensures transparent communication, and the same winemakers who produce BC VQA wines are making “Crafted in BC” positioned wines with the same high standards.
Are there price differences between BC VQA and “Crafted in BC” wines?
Pricing is determined by individual wineries. “Crafted in BC” wines aim to offer the same value as BC-grown wines, while supporting the industry during this transitional period.
What is being done to ensure transparency about the use of out-of-province grapes?
Wineries and retailers are encouraged to clearly communicate the story behind “Crafted in BC” wines, emphasizing the temporary nature and the industry’s long-term commitment to 100% BC wines.
For Wineries and Trade
Can wineries choose not to participate in “Crafted in BC”?
Yes, participation is optional, and wineries are encouraged to determine how best to communicate their unique stories while aligning with the initiative’s goals.
What guidelines must wineries follow to use the “Crafted in BC” positioning?
Wineries must ensure transparency in communication, follow labeling regulations, and align with the messaging that highlights resilience, quality, and adaptability.
How will the positioning be communicated to retailers and restaurants?
Wine Growers BC provides tailored materials, including one-pagers and FAQs, to help retailers and restaurants share the story of “Crafted in BC” wines effectively with customers.
What resources are available for wineries to explain “Crafted in BC” to customers?
Wineries have access to messaging guides, FAQs, and storytelling tools provided by Wine Growers BC.
Are wineries required to disclose the origin of non-BC grapes in their wines?
Wineries are encouraged to be transparent about the use of out-of-province grapes, as trust and integrity are central to the “Crafted in BC” positioning.
Industry Impact
How does “Crafted in BC” help preserve the BC wine industry’s reputation?
By emphasizing transparency, quality, and resilience, “Crafted in BC” allows wineries to maintain consumer trust and demonstrate adaptability during this challenging period.
What is being done to ensure the long-term sustainability of BC wine production?
A phased roadmap to return to 100% BC wine production is in place, along with efforts to support vineyard recovery and industry-wide collaboration.
How will the transition back to 100% BC wines be managed?
Wine Growers BC is developing a clear plan to gradually phase out the use of out-of-province grapes as BC vineyards recover, ensuring a smooth transition.
Will “Crafted in BC” impact BC wine exports?
The initiative primarily targets the domestic market, but transparent communication aims to preserve confidence in BC wine internationally.
Wine Growers British Columbia welcomes feedback from stakeholders and consumers to adapt and refine our messaging.