
Wine Growers British Columbia acts as the peak organization responsible for communications, marketing and advocacy for the BC wine industry. As part of its mandate and as directed by an elected and voluntary Board of Directors, Wine Growers BC set out to complete a long-term, 10 year strategic vision.

Wine BC 2030

On March 20, 2019, the BC Wine Institute completed a year-long project and delivered a ten-year planning document entitled the Wine BC 2030 Long-Term Strategic Plan, working alongside consultants The Artemis Group and O’Donnell Lane. The project incorporated a comprehensive consultation with industry stakeholders to respond to overarching issues and to identify opportunities to sustain the BC wine industry for decades to come.

Five Strategic Pillars

The plan presents five fundamental pillars with defining principles and outlines a visionary road map with specific strategies and timelines to address the complexities found within the BC wine ecosystem. The model guides not only the implementation and decision-making process but offers solutions for adapting to shifting external forces while further motivating the industry to embrace growth and change.

Email us to request the full Wine BC 2030 Long-Term Strategic Plan
*In your email, please provide details on why you are requesting the plan and how you plan to use it.

Link to Wine BC 2030 Infographic

The Journey Ahead

Since the release of Wine BC 2030, Wine Growers BC is focused on steady implementation and execution of the strategic recommendations, aligning with the priorities set out in the annual BC Wine Institute Fiscal and Operational Plan. For the latest updates on Wine BC 2030 progress, please refer to the WGBC Annual Report and WGBC Fiscal Advocacy, Communications and Marketing Operational Plan here: WGBC Reports